(formerly known as the Protected Area Archive)
TerraLook provides access to satellite images for users that may lack prior
experience with remote sensing or Geographic Information System (GIS)
technology. It does this by combining collections of images on user-defined
themes with a set of simple visualization and analysis tools, allowing the
user to explore the data and employ it for useful purposes. The images
include recent high-resolution ASTER images, plus Landsat images from
several historical periods going back to the early '70s. Such historical
data supports change analysis.
Simplicity is an overarching principle. TerraLook was designed to
overcome the obstacles that limit access to data by user communities lacking
sophisticated tools and skills.
TerraLook is of use to a wide variety of disciplines including
conservation, development planning, education, urban studies, disaster
planning and response, and others. It may be of particular use in developing
countries that may have less capacity to purchase or work with remote
sensing data.
TerraLook consists of two parts: Image Collections based on themes, and
the Software to work with them.
Image Collections. Users can create their own custom collections
of images by visiting the USGS
TerraLook website, Using the USGS Glovis tool, the images are
selected, the collection built, and the user notified that it is available
for download.
Also, many standard collections have been archived and are available for
download from the Downloads page of this ASTER TerraLook website. Typically,
these consist of country collections, containing full-country coverage with
the historical Landsat images from 1975, 1990, and 2000, plus ASTER coverage
of the Protected Areas of the country.
Contact Us:
Gary Geller Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology +1 818-354-0133

Image Collections: Users can create their own custom collections
of images by visiting the USGS
TerraLook website,
Also, a variety of existing collections are available for ftp download.
This software is a simple and intuitive desktop application that is
convenient for finding the images of interest in a collection, and then
doing useful things with them.
More Information:
- FAQs...What you really wanted to know but were afraid to ask
- TerraLook History…How far along is this project and where is it going?
- ASTER Overview …provides information to help
Protected Area Managers
understand ASTER images.
Funding for development has come from: the ASTER Science Project; the
NASA Ecological Forecasting Program; The Nature Conservancy; the US State
Department; and the World Bank IABIN Connectivity Project. The US Geological
Survey National Center for Earth Resources Observation Science (EROS) formalized
and now operates the TerraLook Collection Generation system.