APAA: ASTER Instrument and Data
Much of the data in the TerraLook are from an instrument
called ASTER. Most people, however, are not familiar with this instrument,
and this section provides some basic information. To summarize very
briefly: ASTER is quite similar to Landsat, but provides much more
detailed images. Landsat, however, has a wider swath width, and a very
large historical archive.
ASTER is a large, space-based, digital camera that started operating in
early 2000. It acquires about 600 high-resolution images a day, each one
covering an area of 60 x 60 km, with a pixel size of 15 m for bands 1-3.
Depending on the version you have and the source of the images, the images
on this disk may be "RGB 3-2-1 composite" JPEGs, meaning that live
vegetation appears red and most human-made areas are blue. For most
collections, however, live vegetation is represented as green--obviously
closer to real life, though for a variety of reasons this is not as easy
as it sounds. Dead vegetation (such as grasslands during the dry season)
tend to be purple. The JPEG format was used to reduce the size of each
The Instrument
ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer)
is basically a large digital camera bolted to a satellite. The satellite,
called Terra, was launched in 1999 and has
four other instruments. It circles Earth at a distance of 705 km, from
pole to pole, about every 100 minutes, crossing the equator at about 10:30
am local time.
ASTER itself takes about 600 pictures ("scenes") a day, each covering
an area of 60 x 60 km. Like most satellite sensors, ASTER is much more
complex than a hand-held digital camera. First, and most importantly, a
separate image is created for each color (or more precisely, each
wavelength range, or "band"). Because ASTER has a total of 14 bands, it
actually acquires 14 different images for each scene. This is useful
because different materials can look very different in different bands--by
acquiring images in each of the 14 bands a lot can be learned about the
materials being imaged. When an image is "processed", each band can be
treated separately, leading to some very powerful (and sometimes very
complicated) analysis techniques. To keep things simple, and to save
space, the images on this disk are "composite" images derived from bands
1, 2, and 3. A website is planned that will provide the full multi-band
images along with some simple tools to help analyze them.
Another difference between ASTER and a typical digital camera is that
ASTER has three lenses--(called telescopes because of their size and
power)--rather than one. In fact, ASTER is really three separate
instruments, each one specializing in a different part of the spectrum.
This is because photons in one part of the spectrum behave very
differently than in another, so different technologies are used for each
One of the most important characteristics of ASTER is its high
resolution--a pixel size of 15 m for bands 1-3 (compared to Landsat's 15
to 30 m resolution). High resolution is useful for park managers because
it provides more detail and, consequently, greater ability to detect
changes and to observe the status of the park.
The ASTER instrument and its operation is a joint project between the
US and Japan. Japan designed and built the instrument, the Level 1
processing system, and the operations system, and performs the day-to-day
mission planning and the Level 1 data processing. The US designed, built,
and operates the Terra spacecraft and the associated ground system.
The Images
All digital images, whether from personal digital cameras or from those
in space, are composed of pixels (picture elements). Each ASTER image on
this disk has about 16 million pixels (4200 x 4200), and is a "composite"
color image derived from bands 1, 2, and 3, which are sensitive to green,
red, and near-infrared, respectively. Each pixel in these images
corresponds to about a 15 x 15 m patch on the ground. The JPEG format was
chosen to decrease the size of the images so a sufficient number of them
could be placed on a single CD; in most cases, however, the loss in data
quality due to compression is minimal.
In some versions of TerraLook or in some images, live vegetation appears
red--the brighter and redder the more healthy the vegetation. Man-made
materials like concrete and buildings tend to be a light blue or gray.
Bare soil can vary in color and brightness depending on what materials it
is made of. Water is very dark.
In such a case people wonder why the scenes are not displayed in their
natural colors, and there are several reasons for this. The first is due
to historical reasons. Much early remote sensing work used
infrared-sensitive film because healthy vegetation strongly reflects those
wavelengths (a plant cannot use them for photosynthesis). The human eye
can not see infrared, yet some visible color has to be used to represent
it if the images are going to be useful. For infrared-sensitive film, that
color was red, and so red has been used to represent the infrared ever
since, even for digital images that use no film, such as ASTER.
The second reason is that this is the way the "color assignments" have
been made. The color red is assigned to band 3 (sensitive to part of the
infrared spectrum), green is assigned to band 2 (sensitive to red) and
blue is assigned to band 1 (sensitive to green). So, a piece of ground
that reflects highly in band 3 will appear bright red in the processed
image, one that reflects highly in band 2 will appear bright green, and
one that reflects highly in band 1 will appear bright blue. Of course,
most things are actually a combination of these, though often one band
In most versions of TerraLook and in most images, however, vegetation appears
green. However, this requires some special processing because ASTER does
not have a "blue" band (this was omitted because blue light tends to be
scattered a lot by the atmosphere and so is rather "noisy"). Without blue
a "natural color" image is not possible, so the existing bands were
combined in a way that leads to a fairly--but not completely--natural
looking image.
The Full ASTER Data Archive
All ASTER scenes (currently numbering roughly one million) are archived
at a data center in South Dakota, USA (as well as at the equivalent data
center in Tokyo). Access to the data in the US archive is by one or both
of the following tools (the first provides both search and order
capability, the second only search--but a much friendlier search-- and an
easy path to ordering):
Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis)
For More Information
For more information on ASTER, the various ASTER data products, how to
submit data acquisition requests, the work of the ASTER Science Team, and
much more, please visit the US ASTER website:
Brief Specifications
Launched: December 1999
Expected lifetime: 6+ years
Number of bands: 14
Number of telescopes: 3 (VNIR, SWIR, TIR)
Pixel size:
15 m (VNIR)
30 m (SWIR)
90 m (TIR)
Stereo: yes
Repeat frequency: 1-16 days