Eyjafyallajokull volcano, Iceland
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Eyjafyallajokull volcano, Iceland (69,669 bytes) ( 950 x 486 ) |
ASTER captured this pair of images of Iceland's Eyjafyallajokull volcano on May 3, 2010. They are displayed at 90 meters spatial resolution. On this day, Ireland closed its airspace for several hours due to presence of ash over the country. The left-hand image is a color-composite of data from the ASTER visible and near-infrared bands. The eruption plume and drifting veil of ash are dark grey, streaming towards the east. The right-hand image is a color-composite of data from three of the ASTER thermal infrared bands. The plume appears purple in color, indicating that it dominantly contains ash, and very little sulfur dioxide. The bright feature at the start of the plume is the incandescent lava flow produced by the eruption. The image covers an area of 42 by 44 kilometers, and is located near 63.6 degrees north latitude, 19.5 degrees west longitude.
Click on thumbnails below for full resolution images.
Eyjafyallajokull volcano, Iceland
Type: (JPG)
Size: (69,669 bytes)
Resolution ( 950 x 486 ) |
Please give credit for these images to:
NASA/METI/AIST/Japan Space Systems,
and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team