Iguazu Falls
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Iguazu Falls (4.06 MB) ( 5,339 x 4,000 ) |
Iguazu Falls along the border between Argentina and Brazil, and near Paraguay, is one of the wonders of the world. The immediate surrounding area was once native forest and grasslands. Both Argentina and Brazil have set aside land near the Falls as National Parks. The effect of differing land use policies can be clearly seen by comparing the 1973 Landsat MSS scene with the August 2001 ASTER scene. Paraguay has permitted complete development of the land at the expense of the forests. In Argentina, development is considerably more modest; and Brazil shows a contrast between the National Park, and the land already developed in 1973. At the top of the scene, a large dam and reservoir along the Parana River has appeared since 1973. The area covered by the ASTER scene is shown by an orange box on the MSS image. The ASTER scene has been resampled to 30m resolution to reduce the file size. The image is centered at 25.6 degrees south latitude, 54.5 degrees west longitude.
Click on thumbnails below for full resolution images.
Iguazu Falls
Type: (JPG)
Size: (4.06 MB)
Resolution ( 5,339 x 4,000 ) |
Please give credit for these images to:
NASA/METI/AIST/Japan Space Systems,
and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team