Ongoing Volcanic Eruptions
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Composite of Soufriere Hills and Mt. Etna (56,021 bytes) ( 800 x 517 ) |
(UPPER RIGHT)In this October 29, 2002 ASTER image of Soufriere Hills Volcano on Montserrat in the Caribbean, continued erutive activity is evident by the extensive smoke and ash plume streaming towards the west-southwest. Significant eruptive activity began in 1995, forcing the authorities to evacuate more than 7,000 of the island's original population of 11,000. The primary risk now is to the northern part of the island and to the airport. Small rockfalls and pyroclastic flows (ash, rock and hot gases) are common at this time due to continued growth of the dome at the volcano's summit. The image covers an area of 40x40 km. The image is centered at 16.7 degrees north latitude, 62.2 degrees west longitude.
(LOWER LEFT)On Sunday, November 3, 2002 Mt. Etna's ash-laden plume was imaged by ASTER. The plume is seen blowing towards the south-southeast, over the city and airport of Catania, Sicily. The previous day, the plume was blowing towards the northwest, and posed no hazard to Catania. The current eruption of Mt. Etna, Europe's most active volcano, began on October 27. The image covers an area of 50.8 x 76.5 km. The image is centered at 37.7 degrees north latitude, 15 degrees east longitude.
Click on thumbnails below for full resolution images.
Composite of Soufriere Hills and Mt. Etna
Type: (JPG)
Size: (56,021 bytes)
Resolution ( 800 x 517 ) |
Soufriere Hills Volcano
Type: (JPG)
Size: (964,563 bytes)
Resolution ( 2,730 x 2,694 ) |
Mt. Etna, Italy
Type: (JPG)
Size: (2,133,179 bytes)
Resolution ( 3,388 x 5,100 ) |
Please give credit for these images to:
NASA/METI/AIST/Japan Space Systems,
and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team