Palmanova, Italy
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Palmanova, Italy (34,981 bytes) ( 300 x 300 ) |
Palmanova, Italy was founded on October 7, 1593 by the superintendent of the Republic of Venice to commemorate two important events in the history of the Republic. The first was the day in which St. Justine would become the patron saint of the town; the second was the second anniversary of the Victory of Lepanto against the Turks. The fortified town was built using the latest 16th century military innovations. The walls were designed in the shape of an arrow head, linked by ramparts. At the vertexes the ramparts came out in such a way as to defend each other. The whole circuit was protected by a wide moat, and three monumental gates provided defensible entrances to the town. The ASTER image was acquired March 18, 2003, is centered near 45.9 degrees north latitude, 13.3 degrees east longitude, and covers an area of 4.5 x 4.5 km.
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Palmanova, Italy
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Resolution ( 300 x 300 ) |
Please give credit for these images to:
NASA/METI/AIST/Japan Space Systems,
and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team