Centralia, Pennsylvania
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Centralia, Pennsylvania (321,941 bytes) ( 1,447 x 879 ) |
In eastern Pennsylvania’s anthracite coal mining country is the abandoned town of Centralia. It is located between Mt. Carmel to the west, Ashland to the south, and Girardville and Shenandoah to the east. Open pit coal mines dot the landscape for miles around. In 1962, underground anthracite coal seams caught fire; by 1981 sinkholes started to appear, and by 1984 all the residents were ordered relocated, and the town was almost completely razed. The last two residents were evicted in 2009, turning what was once a thriving town of 1500 residents into a ghost town. The image was acquired August 24, 2003, covers an area of 22 x 13 km, and is located at 40.8 degrees north latitude, 76.3 degrees west longitude.
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Centralia, Pennsylvania
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Resolution ( 1,447 x 879 ) |
Please give credit for these images to:
NASA/METI/AIST/Japan Space Systems,
and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team