Nisyros Island, Aegean Sea
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Nisyros Island, Aegean Sea (173,039 bytes) ( 1,236 x 1,146 ) |
Nisyros is an active volcano in the Eastern edge of the South Aegean volcanic arc. It covers an area of 41.2 square kilometers and reaches a height of 698 meters. It is surrounded by 4 other small uninhabited volcanic islets. Nisyros is the youngest volcanic cone in the Aegean. Major volcanic activity is roughly estimated to have ended about 30,000 - 15,000 years ago. Since then superheated geothermal fluids triggered hydrothermal explosions, blasting the covering formations. Ten impressive craters of hydrothermal explosions with a diameter up to 300 m decorate the southeast part of the caldera floor. The most recent was created in 1887. This simulated natural color ASTER image is centered near 36.6 degrees north longitude, 27.2 degrees east latitude, covers an area of 18.5 x 17.2 km, and was acquired on July 29, 2004.
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Nisyros Island, Aegean Sea
Type: (JPG)
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Resolution ( 1,236 x 1,146 ) |
Please give credit for these images to:
NASA/METI/AIST/Japan Space Systems,
and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team