Shoemaker Impact Structure
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Shoemaker Impact Structure (2,950,252 bytes) ( 2,952 x 3,030 ) |
The Shoemaker Impact Structure, Australia, was previously referred to as Teague Ring; it is now named in honor of the late Eugene Shoemaker, a renowned earth and planetary geologist affiliated with Caltech and the US Geological Survey. The precise age of the impact is unknown, but it is estimated between 1000 and 600 million years ago. The structure is 30 km in diameter, and is most easily recognized by the deformation of the resistant ironstones of the Frere Formation, shown in dark green on the image. Low lying areas are salt-encrusted seasonal and dry lakes. This band 3-2-1 ASTER composite was acquired November 4, 2000, covers an area of 44.2 x 45.5 km, and is centered near 25.9 degrees South, 120.9 degrees East.
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Shoemaker Impact Structure
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Resolution ( 2,952 x 3,030 ) |
Please give credit for these images to:
NASA/METI/AIST/Japan Space Systems,
and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team