World Cup Final
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World Cup Final (364,144 bytes) ( 1,063 x 875 ) |
On July 9, hundreds of millions of fans worldwide will be glued to their television sets watching the final match of the 2006 FIFA World Cup, played in Berlin's Olympic stadium (Olympiastadion). The stadium was originally built for the 1936 Summer Olympics. The most memorable performance was that of the African-American track and field athlete, Jesse Owens, who was awarded the gold medal in four events. The Olympic Stadium seats 76,000; its roof rises 68 meters over the seats and is made up of transparent panels that allow sunlight to stream in during the day. The stadium can be seen in the left-center part of the scene. The ASTER image covers an area of 12.1 x 15.9 km, was acquired October 15 2005, and is centered near 13.3 degrees east longitude, 52.5 degrees north latitude.
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World Cup Final
Type: (JPG)
Size: (364,144 bytes)
Resolution ( 1,063 x 875 ) |
Please give credit for these images to:
NASA/METI/AIST/Japan Space Systems,
and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team